Wednesday, February 5, 2020

what is cloud architecture

"Before the word" cloud "became the keyword, I had only started online business," says Gravette. "I have known for more than 10 years that a cloud-based business infrastructure will maintain an agile and light business. Let's be honest: The Internet has made our business environment 100 times more competitive than ever. Because we are based on the cloud, we can reward our brand promoters and their customers with more because our overhead costs are a fraction of what most companies have. This allows us to "walk" and be loyal to those who represent our brand. "

To make this possible, the company  what is cloud architecture first had to create this non-traditional infrastructure. Gravette says that his IT department was one of his "weapons" to conquer this technology and that from the beginning the founders had absolute control over their software coding, which allowed Le-Vel to move much faster than if they had outsourced This process.

"We are proud to say that we believe that our platform is not only advanced, but that we are already building the future of our social network of mobile tracking technologies and applications in a transparent manner," Gravette said.

A direct sales business without a gateway, without a business visit or an office, of course, is a relatively strange concept. Direct sellers are known to maintain closely related cultures both among employees and in the field. While many of these companies manage their resources as efficiently as possible, there is no doubt that the "old" is costly and, in some cases, inflexible. “We have a non-traditional commercial structure; the hierarchy is much flatter, "said Drew Hoffman, executive vice president and legal director. The company employs full-time staff in the United States, of which more than half are part of the support team. The cloud allows Le- Vel hire the best solution for your staff without limiting your options based on proximity to a fixed position.